Woo hoo! I’m going to BritMums Live 2015!

Blog School
BritMums Live 2015

I’m going to BritMums Live! I’m going to BritMums Live! I AM GOING TO BRITMUMS LIVE 2015!!!! I really am!


I’m so excited! For those of you reading this who aren’t bloggers, Britmums Live is one of the UK’s biggest conferences for parent bloggers. Over 500 of us will be heading to London on June 19th and 20th to learn from some of the best bloggers and social media experts.

I only booked my ticket a couple of weeks ago. Everyone was talking about it on Twitter and Facebook and it sounded so amazing, I really felt like I was missing out.

I’ve been blogging for 10 months now and it’s been a real learning curve. A lot of it I’ve learned through doing; some of it has been down to other bloggers sharing their expertise – so now I’m really looking forward to hearing from those at the top of their game, and coming home and putting into practice everything I learn.

I’m also excited about meeting so many blogging buddies in person. I know these people through their blogs, Twitter and various Facebook blogging groups I’m part of, but other than one or two, I’ve yet to meet any of them in the real or world. It’s funny thinking these names that are so familiar on my computer and phone are actual real life people!

I’m feeling rather nervous about it, so if you’re a blogger who will be there, please do say hello! This is what I look like!


BritMums Live

I’m also nervous about being away from my children for so long – two days and one night. It will be the first time I’ve left my baby overnight – he’ll be 15 months by then. I know I’ll miss all three of my little ones so much – but I’m looking forward to doing something just for me. It doesn’t happen very often these days, so this is a well-deserved mix of business and pleasure.

As part of the run-up to Britmums Live, those of us going have been asked to write an introductory post so that other bloggers can start putting names to faces and find out a little bit more about who else will be there. I’ve loved reading everyone else’s Britmums introduction memes, so here’s mine.


BritMums Live! 2015

Name Cathryn Scott

Blog Cardiff Mummy Says

Twitter ID @cardiffmummy

Height 5ft. I’m short!

Hair Straight, shoulder-length, some shade of blondy-brown depending on if I’ve had my highlights done before I get there.

Eyes A weird mix of browny-greeny-hazely-grey.

Is this your first blogging conference? Yes! And I’m so nervous! Please speak to me!

Are you attending both days? Oh yes! I’m getting the train from Cardiff to London on the Friday morning and staying overnight. Cardiff Daddy has taken the day off work to look after the children so that I can come to London.

What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2015? Everything! I am so excited about it all. I can’t wait to meet so many other bloggers in person and I can’t wait to learn from the blogging experts. I’m particularly excited about the key note speech with Deliciously Ella. I’ve been a fan for a long time and was thrilled when I found out a few days after I’d booked my ticket that she will be there too. I actually whooped out loud when I saw the news on Twitter!

What are you wearing? I have absolutely no idea, but I think a shopping trip will be in order before June.

What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2015? The knowledge to help me take my blog to the next level. I started it while on maternity leave with my third baby, and it’s gone better than I could ever have imagined. It’s been such a learning curve for me so I’m looking forward to getting some expert advice on what I can do to better it. I also hoping to strengthen some of my friendships with other bloggers by meeting them in person.

Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before? Well, I’ve never been before, so maybe I’ll be better placed to answer this one next year! My only tip is to anyone like myself who is feeling nervous about going: believe in yourself and know that you deserve to be there.

Are you a blogger going to BritMums Live? Do let me know in the comments below, on the Cardiff Mummy Says Facebook page or by tweeting me on @cardiffmummy

Tots100 MAD Blog Awards

19 Comments to Woo hoo! I’m going to BritMums Live 2015!

  1. I’m quite envious about the fact that you are going, part of me would love to go, but another part of me is way too nervous about travelling to London by myself, I’ve done it once and nearly got lost so have been too scared to go alone ever since!

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Ha, I know what you mean. I used to go to London quite a bit to visit friends but still worry about getting lost. There’s a few of us coming from South Wales though, so if you did decide to go I’m sure you’d find someone to do the journey with you x

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      I’m sure by the end of the weekend we will have made loads of new friends. Hopefully I’ll get to meet you there! X

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Haha, it’s something I need to keep reminding myself of. Feeling very nervous! x

  2. Lovely to learn a little more about you, Cathryn! I really hope we get to say hello in person. And if you miss your baby too much, my boy will be on hand for a substitute cuddle 🙂 xx

  3. Welcome to BritMums, Cathryn! You are going to have such a blast!
    This year I’m one of the Butterflies whose job is to welcome new and returning attendees. Let me know if I can do anything for you! This is me so you can recognise me:
    See you in a couple of weeks!
    Ceri 🙂 xxx

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Ah, thanks Ceri. I will look out for you. I’m very excited but it’s a bit daunting too! x

  4. What a great tip for anyone feeling nervous, like yourself – you DO deserve to be there and you deserve to have a fantastic time!! Everyone is so lovely and the atmosphere at BritMums Live is so warm and welcoming, I’m sure you’ll have a blast!

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