Posts Tagged: "back to school"

An emotional goodbye to the pre-school years

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Those of you who’ve been reading Cardiff Mummy since the beginning will know what an emotional mess I was when my daughter, my eldest child, started full-time school back in September 2014. I had my children in just over four years, and the days when I had my little gang...

Cocktails with mum friends

When school run mums become good friends 


When Little Miss E started school, we didn’t know anyone. Whereas all our friends in our neighbouring streets went to the local English-medium primary school, we opted for the slightly-further-away-but-still-in-catchment Welsh one. Other than a vague connection to a friend of a friend, I was as much the new kid...


The Smiggle obsession has begun! (review)


Now that she is 7¾ and about to start year three, Little Miss E is so over the character lunchboxes and backpacks she has previously adored. The shift happened somewhere in year two, when suddenly Frozen and the likes were no longer cool. She agreed (reluctantly) to make her lunch...

starting school

To my boy who starts reception tomorrow


Your brand new school uniform hangs on your wardrobe door, ready for the morning. Slightly too big, because we mums always make sure there’s growing room. You were so excited when we bought it, telling the lady in the shop you were off to Big School. Your school shoes are...

Back to school interview

First day of term interview


Last year, when I took Little Miss E to buy her school shoes for reception, she was given a book from Clarks to fill in to celebrate her start at school. I remember thinking at the time how nice it would be to ask similar questions at the beginning of...

First school shoes

A poem – First day at school


Update 02/09/2018 I wrote this poem four years ago when Little Miss E was starting reception. My first-born was off to full-time school and I was finding it emotional. She’s now off to year 4, Little Man O is off to year 2, and Littlest Boy I is off to...