Author: Cardiff Mummy Says

Take your litter home, you disgusting people! 

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This weather has been hot, hot, hot and so in an attempt to cool down I took the children to Barry Island straight from school on Monday.  We had the best time – paddling in the water in our swimming costumes, building sandcastles, eating chips and ice cream. We were...


So it turns out I *do* like gin after all!


I never understood the national obsession with gin, especially among my mum friends. As my friends filled their social media timelines tagging each other in meme after meme about how much they love gin, and all manner of gin-based recipes, I would inwardly roll my eyes and think to myself “how...

Dinosaur Babies National Museum Cardiff

Dinosaur Babies at National Museum Cardiff – review

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*In association with National Museum Cardiff Even before we entered National Museum Cardiff, we could tell by the giant footprints on the grass outside that Dinosaur Babies was going to be no ordinary exhibition. Our holiday to Rome meant that we missed the official launch on Saturday 27th May, as...

A few thoughts on election day

I’ve voted. I took my two eldest children to the polling station on the way to school this morning. One or more of my three kids, now aged 7, 5 and 3, have come along with me to pretty much every election since I became a mum. They know how...