Welsh language groups for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers in Cardiff

Cymraeg i Blant

*Paid collaboration with Cymraeg i Blant

With the big kids back at school this week, it’s time for normal service to resume when it comes to classes and activities for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers.

If you’re considering Welsh medium education for your child, then attending groups and activities in Welsh is a great way for them, and you, to improve their language skills. I have found these groups invaluable with my children. I learned Welsh from the age of 11 onwards but when I had my children and started thinking about Welsh-medium education, not only were my language skills incredibly rusty and my confidence completely shot, but it also struck me that I didn’t know a single nursery rhyme in Welsh and was seriously lacking in the basic vocabulary you use when you have young children.

This guide is written in association with Cymraeg i Blant/Welsh for Kids, the government organisation supporting families with children in Welsh medium education or who would like more Welsh in their lives. As well as offering advice and support Cymraeg i Blant run free classes including baby massage baby yoga and Welsh rhymetime sessions for families across Wales. All Cymraeg i Blant classes are bilingual and are suitable for Welsh speakers, learners and non-Welsh speakers – and all are free to attend. All Cymraeg i Blant classes in Cardiff and across Wales are listed on family events listings app Hoop, in its class listings directory.

Cymraeg i blant class

Parents are encouraged to attend Ti a Fi (You and Me) Welsh-language parent and toddler groups. Children can attend Cylch Meithrin (Welsh playgroup) usually from the age of 2½ or 2 in some areas, before moving on to Meithrin (preschool nursery) in a school setting the term after they turn three.

I’ve listed classes for Cardiff as that’s where most of my readers are. For other areas of Wales see the website or the regional Cymraeg i Blant Facebook groups.

You can see all my Cymraeg i Blant posts here.

Classes with Cymraeg i Blant

Cymraeg i Blant

Email Rhian Arwel on Rhian.arwel@meithrin.cymru  call 07790 891271 or visit Cymraeg i Blant Caerdydd on Facebook.


Welsh story and Rhymetime / Stori a Chân

Star Hub Splott

Tuesdays, 10.30am

Tylino babi/Baby massage

Canton Library

Tuesdays, 11.30am


Welsh story and Rhymetime / Stori a Chân

Rhiwbina Library

Wednesdays, 9.30am

Tylino babi/baby massage

Wednesday, 11am


Welsh story and Rhymetime / Stori a Chân

Whitchurch Library

Thursdays, 10am

Welsh story and Rhymetime / Stori a Chân

Llandaff North Hub

Thursdays, 1pm

Tylino babi/Baby massage

Llandaff North Hub

Thursdays, 2pm

Classes with Menter Caerdydd and Cardiff Libraries


Story Time / Amser Stori

Suitable for children age 0-4.


Ely Hyb Library, 10.15am-10.45am

Cardiff Central Library, 11am-11.30am


Story Time / Amser Stori

Grangetown Library, 11am-11.30am

Whitchurch Library, 2.15pm-2.45pm


Story Time / Amser Stori

Radyr Library, 10.30am

Penylan Library, 2.15pm


Story Time / Amser Stori

Canton Library, 10.30am-11am

Pre-school sports with Menter Caerdydd and Urdd Sports Development

Classes must be booked in advance. For information call 029 2068 9888 email gwenno@mentercaerdydd.cymru or visit the website 


Football taster course

Saturday September 30th-October 21st 9.30am-10am

£15 for 4 weeks

Suitable or all levels including beginners. Ages 2.5-4

Talybont Sports Hall Western Avenue

Rygbi Bach

Saturday 16th September-9th December (no session 4th November)

Talybont Sports Hall Western Avenue

3-4 years


£66 for 12 weeks

2½-3 years


£54 for 12 weeks

Swimming lessons for beginners

Thursdays 1.30pm-2pm

14th September-9th December (no session 2nd November)

Fairwater Leisure centre

£69 for 12 weeks

Plantos Heini (Fit Kids)

Monday 11th September-4th December (no class 30th October) 9.30am-10.30am

Planet Gymnastics Penarth Road Cardiff

£42 for 12 weeks

204 years

Plantos Heini (Fit Kids)

Friday 15th September-8th December (no class 3rd October) 12.30pm-1.30pm (held through the medium of Welsh)

£42 for 12 weeks

2-4 years

Cardiff Central Youth Club Spolott

Gymnasteg Bach

Saturday 16th September-9th December (no class 4th November) 8.30am-9am

2-4 years

Planet Gymnastics Penarth Road

£36 for 12 week

1 Comment to Welsh language groups for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers in Cardiff

  1. We really lack Welsh groups around us. My children attend the only Welsh Medium primary school in our area and my son, just last year, started at the first Welsh Medium Secondary school in Newport. It’s a great privilege to be able to send my children to a Welsh school (and I am exceptionally jealous of the ease in which they communicate bilingually – my language skills are abysmal.)

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