A little help with the laundry from Persil Powergems

Paid collaboration
Please tell me I am not the only mum who regularly has a meltdown over the laundry? With three kids and two grown-ups in the house it is seriously never ending. Regular clothes, school uniforms, husband’s work shirts, more socks and pants than I can count, not to mention bedding, bath towels, swimming towels, ballet kit (hand-wash cycle), Taekwondo kit (needs to stay bright white), hubby’s gym and football gear. It feels like the machine is constantly on.
And it’s not just the washing; it’s the drying (I fully admit I use the tumble dryer more than I’d like to because otherwise I’d be tripping over clothes airers), the ironing (although I don’t mind ironing because I can do it in front of the telly), the putting away. Oh, and the picking it up of the floor wondering if it is clean or dirty while muttering FFS to myself.
As a part time work-at-home mum, the majority of it falls to me. Which is fine. I love my little family and I am happy to keep them in clean clothes. But like I said. It is. Seriously. Never. Ending.
And monotonous. A scoop of Persil non-bio powder (my parents have always used Persil and I guess I followed suit) in the drawer, a glug of fabric softener, and press go on the machine.
I am not lying when I tell you I was genuinely excited to try out Persil’s all-new Powergems washing crystals. Crystals! As soon as you open the cap, you’re hit by the fresh scent of the green and white crystals. They smell so… clean.
The first challenge was Cardiff Daddy’s work shirts. I feel quite sorry for him because he has to wear long-sleeved shirts even in the height of summer. He’s given me permission to tell you that his shirts do sometimes get a bit sweaty, and the cuffs and elbows dirty. There have been instances where freshly washed stuff has had to go back in the wash, and I frequently use a 60 degree cycle on his shirts, rather than our regular 40.
For the purposes of research, I put the Powergems to the test at 40 degrees… and was impressed with the results. The shirts seemed brighter; they smelt super fresh. Cardiff Daddy was happy. The Powergems had even got rid of a pen stain with no need for additional stain remover.
And so we tried his gym gear, including stinky socks. Again, so clean and fresh. A definite success. It also did a good job on the white Taekwondo outfit. This gets dirty quickly due to the hall floor they practice on, but the Powergems did a good job.
The crystals come in a compact bottle. You fill the green lid with the crystals to the relevant line, and put it directly in the drum on top of the washing. There’s also a white ‘twist and lock’ cap to keep the crystals safe while the green lid is in the wash. I was so pleased to see this because although we keep out washing powder safe, I did worry that my toddler may try to eat them.
Although Powergems come in bio and non-bio varieties, we’d been sent the bio for purposes of review. I was a bit nervous about using it because the kids and I all have sensitive skin and I wasn’t sure if it would cause any reactions, as has previously been the case with bios and other non-Persil brands for me.
I washed all the bath towels, figuring if anyone had any problems, they could just jump back in the shower and rewash the towels… but it was surprisingly all good.
I was also pleased that there were no traces of the crystals left on our clothes after washing, especially as they go directly into the drum and not into the drawer.
So what’s the secret? Persil say it’s a “revolutionary and unique laundry experience” that is the result of 10 years of research and development.
The distinctive gem format provides “triple action power of stain removal, care and long lasting freshness in one small concentrated dose” with the gems dispersing in the drum throughout the entire wash.
The gems have more than 20 patents and have undergone rigorous testing.
- Stain Removal*: Persil Powergems are packed with more stain removal power to help tackle stubborn stains; they contain two and a half times more cleaning agents for oil and grease based stains and eight times more fabric shielding molecules to ensure the ultimate all-round performance for your clothes.
- Care: The unique format of Persil Powergems is free from ingredients which can leave residue on fabric. This allows the product to care deeply for your clothes, helping them to stay as good as new for longer. An additional caring benefit is that Persil Powergems will help to both retain the bright colours of your clothes and keep your darks dark.
- Freshness: Persil Bio Powergems uses fragrance release technology to provide an enhanced fragrance experience. This technology allows the unique and fragrant notes of Persil Powergems to remain on fabric for longer. As movement is made, bursts of the fragrance will be released to give you longer lasting freshness with every wash.
The downside for us is that they are on the pricier side, starting at £5 for a 12-wash pack, £8 for a 19 wash pack and £11 for a 30 wash pack. We’ll be keeping an eye out to see if it’s ever on offer though.
Our overall verdict? Impressive. More so than I had imagined. Now they just need to invent something to dry, iron and put all the laundry away.
This is a paid collaborative post. All opinions are honest and our own.
We’ll definitely give these a try. Living in the countryside we need all the help we can get with washing at the moment!