This week we’re eating… Sugar-free, dairy-free hot chocolate 


Since I stopped eating refined sugar 10 months ago, there’s one thing I’ve really missed. A warm and comforting hot chocolate. Especially when the weather’s this cold, wet and dark.

I don’t like tea or coffee, and while I drink a lot of hot water with lemon and the occasional herbal tea, there are days when I just want to be warming myself with something a little more indulgent. A hug in a mug, so to speak.

I’ve been experimenting with ideas for a refined sugar-free, dairy-free hot chocolate – and here is my current favourite recipe for a healthy hazelnut hot chocolate.

Now, I’m not saying it’s completely sugar free because dates and maple syrup contain natural sugars. But this drink is a healthier alternative to the usual refined sugar-laden option, and contains quite a few vitamins, minerals, calcium and protein.

The main ingredients are almond milk, hazelnuts and raw cacao powder (you can read about the health benefits of that here). Raw cacao has a more bitter flavour than cocoa powder, so you only need a small amount, and I find I need something to sweeten it too, hence the dates and maple syrup.

You will also need some kind of blender to make this – I whiz mine in my Nutribullet for around a minute, to make sure the nuts are fully ground, otherwise the hot chocolate ends up with an odd pulpy texture. If you don’t have a decent blender, leave out the nuts and date, double the amount of maple syrup used and skip straight to warming the ingredients in a saucepan.

I hope you like it. Do let me know if you give it a go. 

Healthy hot chocolate


3/4 mug of almond milk

2 medjool dates

2 tsp raw cacao powder

1-2 tsp maple syrup, depending on your sweet tooth

8-10 hazelnuts

1. Put all the ingredients in the Nutribullet cup (or your usual blender) and blend for around a minute, until the mixture is smooth.

2. Pour into a saucepan and simmer on a low heat for around two minutes, or until nicely warmed through.

3. Remove from the heat, pour into your mug…. and enjoy!

For all my healthy recipes, visit the Food section of Cardiff Mummy Says.

You might also like these healthy smoothie ideas, or these delicious soups.

2 Comments to This week we’re eating… Sugar-free, dairy-free hot chocolate 

  1. This sounds so yummy! I really like almond milk and imagine that gives a nice nutty taste. Well done giving up sugar – I don’t think I could!

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