Monthly Archives: September 2016

10 awesome blog posts I read this month – September


Every week, I read blogs that make me laugh, blogs that make me cry, blogs which challenge my thinking, blogs which support me as a parent, and blogs which inspire me. Seeing as you’re reading Cardiff Mummy Says, I figure you like blogs too. I’m continuing my monthly series, charting 10 of...

University: 1996 versus 2016


It’s 20 years this week since I started university. 20 years! How is it even possible that I am that old?! I had the best times ever at Swansea (check out this post if you also studied at Swansea in the 1990s). I made some amazing friends. Met the man...

When you lose your child in a public place


It was possibly the worst three of four minutes of my life. We were at a public event with a few thousand other people. One moment my toddler was there, beside us. The next he wasn’t. We looked in our immediate vicinity, but no sign. We looked again, expecting to...

Roman adventures in Caerleon 


Little Man O, my nearly-five-year-old, has developed a fascination with the Romans. I’m not really sure where this interest came from but we thought we’d attempt to answer some of his questions and bring a bit of Roman history to life with a trip to see the Roman amphitheatre, barracks, baths...

starting school

To my boy who starts reception tomorrow


Your brand new school uniform hangs on your wardrobe door, ready for the morning. Slightly too big, because we mums always make sure there’s growing room. You were so excited when we bought it, telling the lady in the shop you were off to Big School. Your school shoes are...