30 signs you’re a child of the 2010s

Family life
Child of the 2010s

I love all those nostalgia articles that are constantly being shared over Facebook – you know you’re a child of the 1970s/1980s when…. You know you grew up in Cardiff/or wherever it is you live when…. It got me thinking about the kinds of throwback articles my own children will be reading when they are older and what things will classify their childhoods. Admittedly, my three little ones are all five and a half and under, and we’re only half way through the decade (and we still haven’t decided what it should be called – the 2010s, the teens?!), but there are definitely certain things that they and all their friends have or do that we, their parents, never did. Here are 30 signs you’re a child of the 2010s decade. Does this list ring true for your little ones? How many can you tick off the list? Are there any you would add?

  1. You slept in one of these.

Child of the 2010s

2. You owned at least one Jellycat toy.

Child of the 2010s3. And at least one Lamaze toy.

Lamaze toy

4. You spent hours chewing on a Sophie the giraffe toy. You probably chewed on all your friends’ Sophies too. What’s a bit of spit between friends, hey?!

Child of the 2010s

5. You learnt to walk with one of these.

Child of the 2010s

6. And you never understood why its theme-song ‘Hello, puppy calling. Do you want to play with me?’ annoyed your parents so much.

7. When you got to the wriggling stage, you spent hours in a Jumperoo so that your mummy could get things done.

Child of the 2010s

8. You wore one of these happy nappies for your weekly Waterbabies class.

child of the 2010s9. You spent the first 10 months of your life in one of these – and can’t believe they didn’t even exist in the olden days when your parents were babies.

Child of the 2010s


10. You ate your dinner in an Ikea antelop high chair at least once.

Child of the 2010s

11. Or if you were going somewhere more upmarket, a Stokke Tripp Trapp.

Child of the 2010s

12. You drank out of a Tommy Tippee beaker.

Child of the 2010s

13. Although your favourite drink was a babychino.

Child of the 2010s

14. These were some of your favourite snacks.

Child of the 2010s

15. You had a Red Book and a percentile chart.

Child of the 2010s

16. Your parents tried to fob you off with one of these – but you much preferred playing with their iPhones.

Child of the 2010s

17. You made your Facebook debut when you were just two hours old and hundreds of people your parents hadn’t seen for decades passed on their congratulations.

18. You got a daily full-body baby massage for the first six months of your life. Unless you were the second, third or subsequent child, in which case you never knew a relaxing bath-time routine.

19. You got excited when you saw the Calpol bottle and the little purple syringe.

Child of the 2010s

20. You had at least one Julia Donaldson book on your bookshelf.

child of the 2010s

21. And at least one from the “That’s not my…” collection.

Child of the 2010s

22. But there was still room for the classics and these were among your first bedtime stories.

Child of the 2010s

23. You loved CBeebies and these guys were your first-ever heroes…

Child of the 2010s

24. Until you discovered Nick Jnr and Peppa Pig.

Child of the 2010s

25. You got excited when it rained because it meant you could go to soft play! You still can’t believe your parents are so ancient it didn’t exist when they were young.

(image from http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=24696)

Child of the 2010s26. Your first alarm clock was a Gro-Clock and it worked for a couple of weeks until you discovered you could make the sun come up by yourself.

Child of the 2010s

27. You went to Clarks for your first pair of shoes – although as soon as you could express an opinion, you wanted ones with lights on them.

Child of the 2010s28. You owned an Elsa from Frozen dress (or your sister/cousin/girls from your pre-school or nursery class did) and you knew every word from Let It Go.

Child of the 2010s

29. And you went to more Frozen-themed birthday parties than you could count.

Child of the 2010s

30. Your Mini Micro scooter was your first taste of freedom.

Child  of the 2010s


Does this sound like your little one’s childhood? How many did you tick off the list? Come and join the chat on the Cardiff Mummy Says Facebook page, or tweet me on @cardiffmummy




If you like my blog, it would mean so much to me if you would nominate me in the Fresh New Voice category of the Brilliance In Blogging parenting blog awards.  

The five blogs with the most nominations will make it through to the voting stages, along with five chosen by the judges. The awards are so competitive that every nomination counts – I would love it if you would take a moment to nominate me, before midnight on 12th April! Thank you so much! 

You can read more about it here


69 Comments to 30 signs you’re a child of the 2010s

  1. Laura Fetherstonhaugh

    I agree with nearly all of these. My son is a bit older, so I’d add: “Despite massive advances in computer generated animation, your favourite game was a boxy world that made your parents’ 90s computer games look furturistic”.

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Glad you could relate. I have a 10-year-old nephew so I know exactly which game you are talking about!! x

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Aw, thanks for the lovely comment and for sharing on Twitter. Certainly a lot of parents can tick off most the list! x

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Glad you liked it and thanks for sharing. That’s really kind of you to say about the BIBs – I should have written this a couple of weeks earlier then 😉 Great that you already had someone to nominate, it’s brilliant there are so many fab blogs out there x

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Yep, they certainly take up a lot of space. My house will feel massive again once baby grows out of it and it can go back up in the attic! x

  2. Sian | The Mama Story

    Yes, yes, yes, yes! To pretty much everyone one of those. Both mine have worn that exact same sleeping bag in 2 different sizes.

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      I’m so impressed you have managed to avoid Peppa so far! You are a wiser mummy than me! x

  3. pigeonpairandme

    We can tick them all off, except the jumperoo. We had a Leapfrog number that looked like a satellite dish – took up practically the whole kitchen! Great post….

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Ha, why do they always make them so big?! Glad to hear you could relate to the list. x

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Awww, I know! My third baby has just turned one and it made me feel nostalgic too thinking of all these things that have definied their childhood. x

  4. Yes to all of these for my 2010 and 2013 children! Big things for us are/were sleeping bags, v tech walker, jumperoo, in the night garden, Peppa pig, getting excited at the calpol syringe! They are boys and aren’t into Frozen but I love it and their girl friends are! The massages thing is hilariously true my 4 year old did indeed get a daily body massage and my now 2 year old never got even one!! (The second one never got water babies classes either, poor sod). How did you know?? 🙂

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Haha! Glad to hear so much of it rang true for you.So many people seem to be able to tick most of the list off!
      I feel so guilty towards my 2nd and 3rd children sometimes! x

  5. You missed one! Your trip to the airport involved speeding around the terminal on a trunki!!!! Brilliant – my 2 definitely tick off most on this list.

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Haha, yes a Trunki! My children don’t have Trunkis. They have their own little suitcases but they’re lovely ones with different characters on that their grandparents bought for them. So lovely to travel in style when you are so young! x

  6. Brilliant. I feel like such a bad mother because my daughter (born in late 2009) never had a Sophie. And I didn’t do regular baby massage although I may have tried it once. But I think every single other item is true. Is that good or bad???!

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      I haven’t quite worked out if it is good or bad yet, but thousands and thousands of parents have all said they can pretty much tick the whole list off, so either way, you are in good company! x

  7. Helen Williams

    Love this, all of them are so true for my little boy born in 2010, well except for owning the frozen dress, is cousins have them though. Thank you xx

  8. yes, yes, yes, and yes. All so true. Especially the Calpol one. Unless they are actually ill, in which case they refuse it, Contrary little so & sos …

  9. Yep used most of these with my 3yr old and they’ll be doing the rounds with my 11 week old twins soon enough! Good job I sell some of them.
    Get ur groclocks from us 😉 http://goo.gl/NjCvst lol …and Sophie the Giraffe 🙂

  10. Really made us laugh. Thanks for posting! Don’t forget the balance bikes too (stabilisers delay children learning to cycle with pedals as any Cycle Instructor will confirm). If you have £149 spare(!), Isla Rohan balance bikes are becoming more visible in Cardiff’s parks as lightweight with child-specific brakes. Great resale on EBay.
    Frog bikes are more reasonably priced and also popular.

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Glad you liked it, Yes, we have a balance bike too, although my friends seem split on them, hence not including it in the original post. x

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Ha, glad you could relate to it. I love how many people have told me they can tick everything off the list! x

  11. Spot on – but I outfoxed my 3 year old by locking the Gro-Clock (press and hold the down button until an “X” flashes on star’s cheek”), he hasn’t managed to unlock it yet, though he got frustrated for the first few days when his previous method to force a sunrise didn’t work any more!

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      OOh, you are clever! That’ll teach me for not reading the instructions properly!

  12. stephdouglas2014

    Yes! All bang on. Although I have never been able to bring myself to ask for a babyccino because, well, just no. Brill observations – a little slice of history!

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Haha, what about “warm frothy milk for children” instead?! Glad you liked it x

  13. This makes no sense. Since when do you recall what you had as a baby?! You remember things from 5 ish onwards and if you have happy memories of these items at that age there’s a problem. Completely pointless observations…This is more about what mums will remember their babies had.

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Haha! It seems we 2010 parents all think the same way. I know we’re all supposed to hate Starbucks, but their babyccinos are free 😉

  14. I love this – I didn’t think I’d tick many but I did, how did you know? My sister and I have just started blogging about baby led weaning on our new website minimunchclub.com so I was interested to see about the awards. Good luck with ‘fresh new voice’ category, 2 nominations for you here!

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Haha, seems we parents of the 2010s all think alike! So kind of you to nominate me, much appreciated, Good luck with your new blog. All three of my children have been BLW. It’s such an amazing thing to do with them. x

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Glad you liked it, I love how many parents have told me they can tick off most or all of the list x

  15. maddy@writingbubble

    Wow, absolutely on the money there! We’ve never had a jumperoo or the vtech walker but every other one of those things from books to gro bags and clocks has been in our house – including BOTH types of highchair (love them both)! Brilliant!

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Haha, glad you could relate. Lucky you not being subjected to hello puppy calling on the walker, and the Jumperoo music. Two tunes you do not want stuck in your head! x

  16. This is the best blog post I have ever read on any mummy type blog !!!! You missed out the balance bike though lol

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Oh, that’s so kind of you to say. I’m so pleased you enjoyed it so much – it has certainly been read and shared a lot of times, with a lot of people telling me they can tick off the whole list! Yep, balance bikes are another sign of the times, we have one, although my friends do seem divided on them. x

  17. Love this! What about the great gripe water scandal of 2012?! Ha ha. Where everywhere totally sold out and people were ebaying bottles for like £20. I look back on that now and laugh but at the time I was one of those desperate parents driving round to every chemist trying to buy it!!! Ha ha x

    • Cardiff Mummy Says

      Ha, it happened with Ashton and Palmer’s teething granules too, didn’t it? Apparently the factory burned down and there were no packets of the stuff anywhere. Glad you liked the post x

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