9 new year resolutions I wish my children would make

I’ve been chatting to my children about new year’s resolutions today and talking about how lots of grown ups make changes at the start of a new year of things they would like to do differently or areas of their life they’d like to improve. I’m not sure if they’ve grasped the concept yet as there were mutterings of watching more Paw Patrol and eating more chocolate – so I’ve come up with a few handy little suggestions of resolutions I’d like Little Miss E, age 6, Little Man O, age 4, and Toddler Boy I, 21 months to make.
Yes, I know it’s wishful thinking and yes, tongue is firmly in cheeky, but oh, how I wish my children would stick to all of these for the whole of 2016 and beyond.
- We resolve never to wake up before 7am.
- We resolve to always eat what’s on our plates without complaining.
- We resolve to always put our shoes/coats on the first time we are asked.
- We resolve to tidy away our toys without being asked.
- I, Toddler Boy I, resolve not to time my explosive nappies with the school run.
- We resolve not to have tantrums, particularly over things that are merely down to our parents looking out for our best interests.
- We especially resolve to have no more tantrums over such things things when in public.
- We, as siblings, resolve not to fight and argue with each other and to always share our toys nicely.
- We resolve to let mummy go to the toilet in peace once in a while, and to maybe even allow her an uninterrupted shower every now and again too.
Any you’d add to the list for your children? Do let me know in the comments below, on the Cardiff Mummy Says Facebook page or by tweeting me on @cardiffmummy
Yes please!
Haha, it’d be nice, wouldn’t it? x
Ha ha! You’ve pretty much written everything down that I’d add. The tantrums would be top of my list at the mo x
Haha! Imagine a life with no tantrums!! x
Good luck with those! Last year my now 12 year old son resolved to nick less biscuits (fail), moan less about referee’s bad decisions in his football matches (improved) and get Level 6 in his SATs (achieved). Personally, I’d like my kids to get up earlier! In the holidays they don’t get up until about 11, which is frustrating for me as I always get up at 6!
Nick less biscuits, ha ha! If he was doing his SATs I think he deserved lots of biscuits to get through it! I’m sure when mine are older, I’ll want them to get up earlier too. Funny how it changes! x
Good luck – I’ll be impressed if the kids manage more than one or two of these. (I certainly wouldn’t count on any of ours ever managing that …)
Ha, one can but dream…