We’re part of the Top Children’s Bedtime Stories ebook this World Book Day

As you’ll know if you’ve been reading Cardiff Mummy Says for a while, I’m a big fan of children’s books. I think reading is one of the most important things you can do with your child. Bedtime stories have been a big part of our routine ever since Little Miss E was born just over six years ago, and like a lot of families, we have many firm favourites which we never tire of reading.
I was asked to feature alongside other parent bloggers in a special Top Children’s Bedtime Stories ebook to celebrate World Book Day, published by North Wales-based Adjustable Beds. Bloggers from across the country were asked to recommend one of their favourite bedtime stories, with the resulting ebook being published on World Book Day, Thursday 3rd March, 2016. There’s a great selection of classic children’s books included, providing plenty of book shelf inspiration.
If you’d like to know which book I chose to talk about, you can download the free Bedtime Stories ebook here.
Do you have a favourite children’s book? Do let me know in the comments section below, on the Cardiff Mummy Says Facebook page or by tweeting @cardiffmummy and @adjustablebeduk using #bedtimestories
You might also like this post: 16 inspiring quotes from children’s literature in celebration of World Book Day
You can see all my posts on children’s literature in the Books section of Cardiff Mummy Says.
Ooh I’ll have to download this, what a great idea 🙂 My favourite children’s book is Frog and Toad 🙂 X
My kids are getting a little bored of their books now as we have read them so many times so im looking forward to hitting the shops and finding them some new ones! Daughter 1 still loves Jack and The Flum Flum Tree though and races through the sentences to finish them before me (shes 5)
Great share! Thanks for the download 🙂 I’m always looking for new stories for my children!
congrats! I completely agree! reading is definitely something that is an important part of our routine too! I still love reading and I am hoping the little monster will too 🙂 our favourite at the moment is The Yoga Ogre :p
The ebook looks lovely, loads of timeless tales, well loved here are mentioned in it!xx
We have a few favourites here, Stick Man is top of the list at the moment
I have a few favourites, probably more of the moderns though; Gruffalo, Bear Hunt, The boy in the dress (It’s for 8+)
I have no children, but The Hungry Caterpillar will always remain a favourite with me x
Congratulations! We love bedtime reading here – Pickle loves Strictly no Crocs at the moment, and The Four Little Pigs 🙂 Kaz x