15 things that will definitely happen on Mummy’s birthday

It’s my birthday next week; my 6th one as a mummy. Birthday celebrations are definitely not what they used to be now that I have three children of 5 and under.
I can guarantee all of the 15 things on this list will happen on the day. Does any of this sound familiar? Do let me know in the comments below, by tweeting me on @cardiffmummy or on the Cardiff Mummy Says Facebook page.
- My children will open all my cards.
- My children will open all my presents.
- My favourite card will be the one they’ve hand-made for me.
- At least one of my presents chosen by them will be a gift more suitable for a child – last year I had The Little Mermaid DVD. The year before it was a board game. My children will look at me so excitedly, I will tell them it’s just what I always wanted.
- I will tell a white lie to my children that they did a great job of hiding my cards and presents from me and that I didn’t see them anywhere, despite them “hiding” somewhere really obvious.
- In the run-up to my birthday, one of them will excitedly tell me they have made me a card or reveal a gift they have bought, but that they are supposed to keep it a surprise.
- I will act really surprised when I come to open said thing they have already told me about and tell them I had no idea about it.
- My children will insist on me having a birthday breakfast complete with party tablecloth and paper plates. Last year I had a Minnie Mouse theme. Yay” Just what every mid-30s woman wants!
- I will also be treated to some kind of party tea (it’s usually pizza in our house), again served on children’s party plates.
- My children will sing happy birthday to me in English and in Welsh, and their sweet voices and enthusiasm will make me cry.
- I won’t get to blow out any of my own candles because my children will insist on doing it.
- At least five times.
- We will have a day out at the weekend following my birthday at some kind of farm park/ family friendly activity.
- When my friends wish me a happy birthday, I will joke that birthdays have certainly changed since I became a mummy – and even though they are not what they used to be, I couldn’t be happier.
- Until I open the birthday bottle of Prosecco when they’re in bed, that is.
Does any of this sound familiar? Do let me know in the comments below, by tweeting me on @cardiffmummy or on the Cardiff Mummy Says Facebook page.
With the obvious exception of number 10, this all rings painfully true, Cathryn. The funny thing is, i won’t mind one bit. 🙂
Exactly! Times may have changed, but I love it. Glad you could relate.
Oh yes. The home-made card, check. The crying, check. They’ll bring me breakfast in bed and eat most of it but the cuddles make up for it. Nothing worse than hot cross bun crumbs in a bed when you get back into it though! I always find I’m really gloomy before my birthday – like Eyore.
Oh crumbs in the bed are the worst. Mine have not got to the age of making breakfast for me yet – it’ll be nice when they can. Well, when they can make it properly anyway! Glad you could relate x
Haha yes birthdays are not really ours any more are they? That is…until we open the Prosecco when they’ve gone to bed lol! #MMWBH
Glad you could relate. I love how excited they get though. It’s so cute. x
Ah some lovely points – it’s my birthday next week too, only my third as a mum but I think I might have more competition for the candles this year.
Happy birthday to you too then! Hope you have a great day and actually manage to blow out some candles! x
Yes, it was my birthday last month and my four year old bought me a toy minion. Just what I’ve always wanted! (It actually sits on my desk in work now and does make me smile). Happy Birthday! X
Brilliant! Cardiff Daddy will be getting a minion tomorrow too as chosen by the little’uns. This season’s must-have! x