What other Cardiff kids are reading before bed


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I’ve been overwhelmed by the response to my blogs on 10 books for babies to read before they turn one, and 11 classic books for toddlers. They’ve gone a bit viral and I’ve had so many comments from parents telling me their favourites from my lists. Some parents have said they’re going to buy some of the ones I’ve recommended, and others have shared their favourites with me – my Wish List is growing by the day!

As I’ve already said on my blog, I don’t think you can ever own too many books, and it’s always nice to have personal recommendations, so I’ve asked six other Cardiff mummies what their children enjoy reading before bed.

Emma Goad is mum to two boys aged six years old, and 10 months old

Her six-year-old is reading Mighty Mo by Alison Brown.

“My son loves this book because he met the author and got a signed copy of the book, but mainly because the story ends with Mighty Mo defeating the baddie robber as the robber falls into elephant poo!”

Emma is Director of Blue Canary Funding, which supports arts and heritage organisations with raising money from public and private sectors. For more information, see www.bluecanary.org.uk

Laura Fergusson is a mum of four, aged 13, 10, 9 and 5

They love reading You Choose by Pippa Goodhart, illustrated by Nick Sharratt

“We LOVE this book! This has been a firm favourite in our family for over 10 years and is now literally falling apart. Each page is covered with lots of pictures of different things your children can choose – who would be in their family, what sort of house they want to live in, what clothes they’d wear, where they’d go on holiday etc. There are always some firm favourites (rocket boots and Dracula!), but they like changing what they choose each time too. It’s lovely having a book that you read over a decade ago to your eldest, that your youngest loves just as much. The best is when the 13 year old reads it with the five year old!”

Laura is a Daisy Birthing Antenatal Educator. For more information, see www.bumpsadaisies.co.uk

Emma Gough is mum to two girls, aged four and a half, and two

Her two-year-old is reading I Love My Mummy and I Love My Daddy By Giles Andreae and Emma Dodd.

“Honest! They are her favourites at the moment, I’m not just making that up to make us look good. She loves these because I’m pretty sure she thinks it’s actually written about her and us!

Her four year old is reading The Naughtiest Girl is a Monitor by Enid Blyton.

“She loves having a few chapters each night and seeing how the story develops. We love this too as it is definitely more fun for us to read. As my husband and I take it in turns to read to her I must admit sometimes sneaking the books out so I can catch up with the chapters I’ve missed. This is the third in the series that we have read and she loves how Elizabeth has changed since the first book and was delighted when she became a monitor. She is however starting to sound like a little girl from the 1950s though so we might need to lay off the Enid Blyton for a bit once this one is finished!”

Emma is owner of The Kids Construction Company, which carries out Lego-themed children’s parties, After School Lego Clubs and Lego School Workshops. For more information, visit www.kidsconstruction.co.uk or like Kids Construction on Facebook

Laura Shobiye is a mum to two, aged 3.5 years and 22 months old

They are reading The Owl and the Pussy-cat by Edward Lear and Victoria Bell, published by Usborne.

“Like most small children, they like animals and as we have two cats books about any felines are always popular. The rhyming tale means they can remember and recite parts of this classic tale and they find the surreal bits funny. The rhythm of the lines means it is vaguely relaxing and doesn’t excite them too much, which is always good with me!”

Laura is an English tutor and an Usborne Independent Organiser. You can find her on Facebook at BE Tutoring Cardiff and Laura Shobiye Independent Usborne Organiser

Katie Chappelle is mum to one son, aged three and a half

They love reading The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson.

“We’ve been reading this book since my son was old enough to focus on pictures and now we’ve got to the point where he quotes almost the entire book directly. When we read he acts out the part of the mouse, while my husband or I (depending on whose turn it is to read) have to play the Gruffalo and assorted other characters – I’m convinced my son is going to have a flair for acting!

Some children’s stories are just nonsense and I think it’s clever if a children’s author can write well enough to engage parents and children at the same time. I love all of Julia Donaldson’s other books too (Room on the Broom and Stick Man are my personal favourites) and I’m looking forward to getting my son her new one, The Scarecrows’ Wedding, for Christmas. As much a present for me, as for him!”

Katie is the author of the Cardiff Girl blog, follow on Twitter @cardiffgirlblog or visit http://cardiffgirl.wordpress.com/

Natasha Jenkins is mum to a six-year-old son and two daughters aged three years old and four months old

“My six year old likes anything by Roald Dahl, especially Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and David Walliams’ Gangster Granny. He finds them funny. My three year old loves the Belle and Boo books by Mandy Sutcliffe. My baby likes picture books by various authors. I think she likes looking at the pictures.”

Natasha is the founder of Photo Junior, a children’s photography club. See www.photographyjnr.com, follow @photographyjnr on Twitter or like Photography Jnr on Facebook

What about you? What books are you reading that you’d like to share with other parents?

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