50 classic tantrums you absolutely must have before the age of 5

Toddlers and pre-schoolers everywhere – how many of these classic tantrums can you successfully tick off your list? Get those wobbly bottom lips at the ready, practice those wails, make sure the tears are flowing and do your best to tick off all 50 before your 5th birthday. Your parents will be so pleased!
- When your toast comes in triangles but you wanted squares.
- When Mummy pours the milk onto your cereal but you wanted to do it yourself.
- When Mummy then lets you help pour the milk and it spills everywhere.
- When Mummy won’t let you have your favourite toy at the breakfast table in case you get food all over it.
- When you sneak said favourite toy onto the breakfast table and it gets covered in porridge.
- When the yellow cup is dirty and Mummy tries to fob you off with the orange cup.
- When Mummy won’t let you squeeze the toothpaste onto your toothbrush because last time half the tube squirted all over you.
- When she relents and you squeeze the toothpaste and it goes all over you.
- When Mummy helps your sibling clean their teeth before she helps you.
- When the top you really, really neeeeeed to wear is in the wash.
- When your socks are itchy, despite the fact you have worn then a million times previously.
- When you share a snack bar with your sibling/friend but their bit is bigger than yours.
- When your sibling/friend suddenly starts playing with a toy you forgot you even had and won’t give it to you right now.
- When your sibling/friend won’t let you play with their toys, even though you never let them play with your toys.
- When you want to go on the swing on the right but so does your sibling. The one on the left is not the same, Mummy, so don’t pretend it is.
- When Mummy tries to make you wear a coat even though coats are stupid.
- When you get outside and it’s really, really cold and you want your coat now, now, now.
- When Mummy won’t let you jump in puddles because you haven’t got your wellies on.
- When your socks and feet are soaking wet because you jumped in puddles and mummy doesn’t have any spare ones with her.
- When you want to wear your sandals in the rain/wellies in the sunshine/slippers to the park, but Mummy or Daddy says you can’t.
- When Mummy flushes the toilet for you but you wanted to do it, even though when she asked you, you said no. She should know you really meant yes.
- When Mummy opens your packet of snacks upside down.
- When your snack bar is broken and Mummy won’t fix it back together.
- When Mummy tells you not to jump around in your seat, in case you spill your drink, and then you spill your drink and your clothes get all wet.
- When Mummy makes you spaghetti for tea and it tastes yucky and she make out it’s your fault because last week and all the other weeks it was your favourite.
- When you get given sliced carrots for tea but you wanted batons. Of course there is a difference!
- When you go to a birthday party and the birthday boy or girl doesn’t want you to help them blow out their candles.
- When you get the wrong colour bubbles in your party bag.
- When you let go of your balloon outside the party and your useless parents can’t catch it for you.
- When you don’t want to go home from softplay/the park/your friend’s house yet. but Mummy says you have to.
- When Mummy won’t let you play in the front seat of the car because we are running late to get somewhere really boring.
- When you don’t want to get in the bath.
- When you don’t want to get out of the bath.
- When you’re about to get into bed and your favourite toy is nowhere to be found.
- When Mummy does something for you but you wanted Daddy to do it for you.
- When Daddy does something for you but you wanted Mummy to do it for you.
- When Mummy is going out with her friends in the evening and won’t let you come.
- When Mummy presses the button at the pedestrian crossing/the lift/the cashpoint machine and you wanted to do it.
- When Mummy wants you to do arts and crafts but you want to watch the TV.
- When Mummy and Daddy want to watch something really rubbish and boring but you want to watch Peppa Pig.
- When Mummy won’t let you speak on the phone because it is “an important call”. What can be more important to the doctor/bank/solicitor than hearing you sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star?
- When Mummy wants to take another photo of you but you don’t want to smile and look at the camera.
- When Mummy never lets you do anything fun and won’t let you play with sharp knives/boiling hot saucepans/the toaster.
- When Mummy keeps telling you not to pull the dog’s tail/hit the cat/prod your baby sibling in the eye, even though it is so much fun.
- When Mummy won’t let you eat stones/slugs/pet food/your shoes.
- When Mummy says it’s past your bedtime but you’re definitely not tired, emotional or irrational.
- When Mummy won’t take you to toddler music class today and gives you some rubbish excuse about it being the wrong day of the week and the class not being on today.
- When it’s 4am in the morning and Mummy and Daddy don’t want to play and tell you to go back to bed.
- When Mummy tells you to stop having a tantrum over any one of the above.
- Just because.
How many can your little one tick of the list? Let me know by tweeting me on @cardiffmummy or say hello on my Facebook page.
Ha! It’s a very hard life being a toddler, isn’t it. I would count up how many we’ve ticked off, but I don’t think I dare…
My friend with a 17 year old just told me some of these still apply. Oh dear! Looks like we have many years of it ahead! X
Reading these brought back some memories but it’s true that some of them still apply after you are 5!
So people keep telling me! Oh dear! X
Ha haa I LOVE this! Although you need to change the age range, my husband still suffers from many of these 🙂 #mmwbh
Ha ha! But do you put him on the naughty step too?! X
Ha ha! A lot of people seem to be relating to this one! X
Ha haa I LOVE this! Although you need to change the age range, my husband still suffers from many of these 🙂 #mmwbh
My friend with a 17 year old just told me some of these still apply. Oh dear! Looks like we have many years of it ahead! X
Ha ha! But do you put him on the naughty step too?! X
He,he!!! I couldn’t add up how many of these apply to us as I lost count! Great post 🙂
Ha ha! A lot of people seem to be relating to this one! X
haha! love this so many i can relate to!
Quite a lot of mums saying the same thing! Glad you liked it x
haha! love this so many i can relate to!
Quite a lot of mums saying the same thing! Glad you liked it x
This is great, mine is just turning two and I have so much to look forward to! Sort of….
ha ha! I think Baby like number 50 best of all! #MMWBH x
Ha, glad you can relate. Number 50 is a favourite of my little ones too x
My daughter is a year and a half and she has already started with some but most of them I also have to ‘look forward to’… yay! 😀
Hope it has not put you off! At least you will be prepared!! X
ha ha! I think Baby like number 50 best of all! #MMWBH x
Ha, glad you can relate. Number 50 is a favourite of my little ones too x
Oh I love this, laughing out loud. Feels like I’ve been in this. Stage for a long time! We still get the wrong cup a lot! The broken cereal bar is also a total disaster despite how many times I’ve tried to fix them back together and he knows it doesn’t work! Glad it’s not just me x
It’s like they are all pre-programmed to cry about the same things. It’s definitely not just you! X
It’s like they are all pre-programmed to cry about the same things. It’s definitely not just you! X
She’s 4 and I can already tick off a lot of these – thanks for giving me a great excuse to giggle!
She’s 4 and I can already tick off a lot of these – thanks for giving me a great excuse to giggle!
My son has only recently turned one but I know I have all of these to come! This post gave me a chuckle.
At least you will be prepared! Hope it hasn’t scared you off!! X
My daughter is a year and a half and she has already started with some but most of them I also have to ‘look forward to’… yay! 😀
Hope it has not put you off! At least you will be prepared!! X
Haha, love this! My daughter is only three and has done well working her way through the list already 🙂 Number 20 is a favourite in our house – generally accompanied by wanting to wear her swimming costume out and about in the winter and her winter jumpers and hats in the summer! #mmwbh
Ha ha, sounds like she will have soon completed all 50 then. How mean of you not to let her wear her swimming costume in the winter!!! 😉
Haha, love this! My daughter is only three and has done well working her way through the list already 🙂 Number 20 is a favourite in our house – generally accompanied by wanting to wear her swimming costume out and about in the winter and her winter jumpers and hats in the summer! #mmwbh
Ha ha, sounds like she will have soon completed all 50 then. How mean of you not to let her wear her swimming costume in the winter!!! 😉
Ahh, ha ha, you must be so proud of his achievements!! X
Ummmmm… did my daughter write this??!!! xx
Ha ha! It’s like they are all programmed to tantrum about the same things!
Ummmmm… did my daughter write this??!!! xx
Ha ha! It’s like they are all programmed to tantrum about the same things!
A great list Cathryn 🙂 My son’s only 16 months so long way ahead of us!
I hope it has not scared you off!! 16 months is such a lovely age:) x
A great list Cathryn 🙂 My son’s only 16 months so long way ahead of us!
Lol great post, ar 2 1/2 Monkey is doing well with this bucket list and on course to smash it way before he hits age 5 🙂 xx #mmwbh
Ahh, ha ha, you must be so proud of his achievements!! X
The coat! Every day she has a tantrum about a) putting on shoes, b) coat, and c) getting in car (to pick up siblings). We have bubbles in the car for her to blow and instantly calm down. Sigh.
That’s a great idea about the bubbles. Glad it works!
The coat! Every day she has a tantrum about a) putting on shoes, b) coat, and c) getting in car (to pick up siblings). We have bubbles in the car for her to blow and instantly calm down. Sigh.
That’s a great idea about the bubbles. Glad it works!
Love this list – we can tick off quite a few of these. Especially not getting to press the button for crossing the road – always guaranteed to cause a big strop!
Ha, sometimes I feel like having a strop myself because I like to press the button too!
Love this list – we can tick off quite a few of these. Especially not getting to press the button for crossing the road – always guaranteed to cause a big strop!
Ha, sometimes I feel like having a strop myself because I like to press the button too!
Brilliant! x
Glad you can relate x
Brilliant! x
Haha! Our particular sticking points are teeth and getting dressed but many others here have also been covered by my 27-month-old twins.
I’m sure it won’t be long before the two of them have ticked off everything on the list! x
I’m sure too…! >.<
All of the above!!!! No.11 is currently the point of friction!!!
Haha! It’s like they are all programmed to flip out at the same things. x
This is brilliant! I have soo much to look forward too, Little one is only 14 months but I know soon he will start doing some of these! Thanks for the heads up 😀